Hi, I’m Corina. I’m a mixed methods researcher, an analyst and a strategist.

This website is still being built, but you can access the listed projects here. Come back soon to discover more about challenges faced, different technologies, and podcast episodes!

Connect with me here.

Rule-Based & Machine-Learning Systems

  1. Understanding Participants When Facing Large Data Sets: Can a custom-made dictionary help us spot needs faster?

  2. Machine-Learning : Could it be relied on to summarize topics and discover trends in my research dataset?

  3. Illustrating Our Research Data: Would there be a quick way to retrieve representative participant quotes to humanize our research findings?

  4. Medical Conditions: Can deductive logic be applied to categorize participant’s unstructured reported data?

    User Research

  5. Caregiver Identity: How does a caregiver’s identification with the caregiving label affect search for help? How might we better reach them?

  6. Data Mining : How might we speed up discovery for a new business line serving caregivers?

  7. Developing a Motivational Style Measurement: Could we know how to better support a participant through three easy questions?

  8. Community-Generated Storytelling : Can we co-create stories with chronic health patients to drive engagement?

  9. Behavioral Redesign : How can you combine deep listening and self-determination theory for better registration and program completion rates?

  10. Redesigning Registration Flows: How can using Behavioral Design build trust and lead to task completion?

    JTBD Research

  11. JTBD for New Product Categories: How do you get people to discover things they don’t search for, but seek?

  12. VR Surgery & JTBD: How can you develop a backlog for emerging technology with complex use cases?

    Market Monitoring Automation

  13. Automated Grant Research Strategy: Is it possible for a startup to efficiently monitor its competitive environment?

    Task Analysis & Simulations

  14. Designing Workflows for Emerging Tech: How should continuous remote monitoring be structured for patient safety?

  15. Task-Analysis for Back-End Systems: Could improving billing operations free up space towards strategic research projects?

    Emerging Technology

  16. Needs-Assessment for Emerging Technologies: Do surgeon’s explicit evaluation of problems align with their implicitly expressed needs during interviews?

  17. Post-Operative ML-Supported Wearables: Is it possible to predict medical staffing needs as we implement an emerging technology in a Chicago Hospital?

    Learning XP Design

  18. Quality Improvement Supported Learning XP : Can we support operations through an assisted on-the-job learning experience, while changing requirements roll in?

  19. On-the-Job Learning Experience Design: What could the future of maintenance workers look like in this green energy organization?

    Corporate Training

  20. Corporate Trainings : Can Design Thinking be used as a tool for change management?