Improved Registration Flow


Identifying the Need

Potential participants were browsing through the program site and starting the registration flow, but sometimes abandoned the process midway. We wondered why.

Observing Participant Behavior

In order to accurately identify the problem, I started by creating a sketch of the flow. As I watched the heat maps and user videos, I annotated the sketches to find patterns in context.


It became apparent people had a real interest in our program, but were deterred by fields that required more sensitive data sharing. Context was also important in understanding the behavior. By watching what users did on the previous pages, prior to launching into the registration flow, the patterns took on more meaning. I used behavioral design to improve critical interactions.

Behavioral Redesign

The changes were simple and did not require major rework on behalf of the development team. They gave the participant more options, increasing their sense of agency, trust and willingness to complete the process.

GitHub Project (Public)

Repository (Private)

My Role

  • Researcher

  • UX Designer