Billing System Redesign


Redesigning a Back-End System

While back-end systems projects are not seemingly as glamorous as shiny front-end redesigns, their complexity makes them fascinating. In this project, I redesigned and automated the billing process, reducing the workload from 30 days to 4 days.


The first step was assessing the tasks involved in billing, following the old process. Examining the task dimensions helped identify opportunities for redesign.

The goal was to bridge the gap between the current state and our preferred state, building around the task dimensions I had identified.

Phases of System Design

While the bulk of the redesign took place in the first year, changes continued periodically for the following two years. First, through automating the system, rendering the work faster, and then, through adapting the system for new contract requirements.

Operational Gains as Strategic Advantage

The gain in operations translated into a strategic gain. Reducing the billing activities from 30 days to 4 days left more resources for strategy and design projects. Using a same budget, the company is now able to do more.

GitHub Project (Public)

Repository (Private)

My Role

  • Researcher

  • Analyst

  • Project Manager